2020 Impact
Voter contacts via get-out-the-vote tactics focused on young voters and voters of color
Users of Vote.org's site & tools
Voter registrations
Mail-in ballot requests
Times voters verified their registration status
Young voters and voters of color reached by pro-voting radio ads
Polling places found using Vote.org
Companies providing paid time off to vote
Vote.org site users who were 18-34
Downtime for Vote.org website in the 6 weeks before election day
Meet the people who made election history in 2020. Toggle between the stories below.
Kyah is 19 years old, trying to manage her college classes, job and social life. She’s committed to registering to vote — and she assumes she can do it online like she does everything else.
Thanks to Vote.org, she can. Between classes, Kyah grabs her phone and a few minutes later, she’s a registered voter. She opts in for text reminders so she can stay on top of upcoming deadlines to cast her ballot.
In 2020, more than 39 million Americans used Vote.org’s tech tools. Of those 39 million, 47% were under 34 and more than half were women.
*Some names in these stories are pseudonyms and some are amalgamated accounts from two or more voters.
Click on a state or select below to explore Vote.org's 2020 impact.
How our digital voter tools drove record-breaking turnout.
Vote.org has seen exponential growth across its voter tools since its inception in 2016. The below graph shows how millions of voters have flocked to Vote.org to verify their status, register to vote, and request a mail-in absentee ballot.
In 2020, the electoral votes in numerous states were decided by historically narrow margins. The below graphics show how Vote.org’s registration numbers in key states compared to the margin of victory in the presidential election.
*Voter contacts refers to the number of times we reached voters through our get-out-the-vote (GOTV) program, which engages young voters and voters of color.
Vote.org provides our digital tools and resources to thousands of civic and grassroots partners to broaden our reach and register millions more voters. In 2020, we powered voter drive efforts for the following partners and many more.
How our get-out-the-vote efforts delivered in underserved communities.
Corporate America and civic engagement.
Bringing joy — and tacos — to the polls.
On January 5th, 2021, Georgia voters participated in runoff elections to choose both of their senators. Typically, Georgia senate runoff turnout hovers near 30%. In 2021, more than 60% of eligible voters cast a ballot.
How we helped new voters through innovative partnerships.
Through its record-breaking 2020 campaign, Vote.org engaged millions of young voters and voters of color - with a cost per voter of just $1.52 across all GOTV tactics.
Vote.org operates with a low overhead and maximizes return on investment. Every donation we receive directly supports voters. Our donors helped us deliver the most ambitious programming year in our history — and record-breaking voter turnout.
Thanks to small-dollar donors across the country, Vote.org raised more money through grassroots fundraising in 2020 than ever before.
Southern Poverty Law Center Vote Your Voice Initiative